
Monday Mar 08, 2021
079: Unity in Marriage
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Everyone is different, so when two different people come together in marriage, there are inevitably joys and struggles. How can we embrace and grow from the differences inherent in this sacred union? On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen is joined by his wife, Lindsey, along with Greg and Kay Poore to talk about what God has taught them through their respective 15 and 40 years of marriage.

Monday Mar 01, 2021
078: Should I Delete Facebook?
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
It’s no secret that we’re coming off one of the most turbulent social media stretches in history. With COVID-19, the presidential election, racial tension, and censorship along with all everything else people like to argue about like religion, sports, and reality TV, the once wondrous world of social media feels more like a battleground. The more we learn about how these apps work, the more wary we become, and we’re left wondering if they still have a place in our lives, not to mention on our devices. On this episode, Jon Coffey sits down with Clear Creek Community Church Digital Communications Director, Jon Crump, to discuss the state of social media and how we, as Christians, can glorify God with our relationship with it.

Monday Feb 22, 2021
077: Is Christianity the Only True Religion?
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Can there really be one true religion? Are we all worshiping the same God, but in different ways? Can we embrace diversity and avoid relativism? Rachel Chester sits down with Dr. Timothy Yoder, an apologetics and philosophy professor, to discuss religious pluralism, Christian apologetics, and how to respectfully engage with those outside the Christian faith.

Monday Feb 15, 2021
076: Christian Celebrity
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
It happens every so often that we see prominent and popular Christian leaders, celebrities if you will, stumble and fall. A story breaks, or someone comes forward and all of a sudden we’re left wondering about this person and their ministry and if it was all for real. On this episode, Jon Coffey sits down with Clear Creek Community Church’s Lead Pastor, Bruce Wesley, to discuss the dangers of the Christian celebrity and how we can appreciate God-given gifts and talents without creating idols.

Monday Feb 08, 2021
075: Parenting Q&A with Chap Clark
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
We all want our kids to grow up with a faith they hold onto as adults. In January, Chap Clark spoke at the Clear Creek Forum on Parenting to share what we can do now to foster lasting faith in our kids’ hearts. While he was in town he sat down with Lance Lawson to answer some questions on the podcast that he didn’t have a chance to address at the event.

Monday Feb 01, 2021
074: Celebrating Diversity in the Church
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Houston is regarded as the single most ethnically diverse major metropolitan area in the United States. And yet, it is still true today what Martin Luther King Jr. said almost 60 years ago, "that the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o'clock on Sunday morning." What does the gospel say about diversity? How can the church lead the way in celebrating our ethnic and racial differences? On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with the Executive Director of the Houston Church Planting Network, Chad Clarkson, and pastors, David Hill and Jaron Jones, about diversity in the church and how followers of Jesus can make a difference.

Monday Jan 25, 2021
073: Life in Community
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Many of us feel too busy or broken to invest in community, although we know we need it. What does it look like to cultivate relationships with those around us? Why is this so important for disciples of Jesus? How can we invest in the people around us in a way that leads to transformation in Christ? In this episode, Rachel Chester sits down with Susan Wesley to discuss why and how we invite people into authentic relationship.

Monday Jan 18, 2021
072: Christian Nationalism
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
On January 6, in what has been called an insurrection, coup, and an assault on our democracy, protestors stormed, vandalized, and looted the U.S. Capitol building during a joint session of Congress. Five people died during the event, or shortly afterward, including one Capitol police officer. As Americans we are appalled at what took place. As Christians we are additionally troubled because peppered throughout the crowds, for all the world to see, were crosses, signs reading “Jesus Saves”, and Christian flags. But what did this insurrection have to do with Jesus? On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with Bruce Wesley and Yancey Arrington about Christian Nationalism and how followers of Jesus should respond to this movement.

Monday Jan 11, 2021
071: Is This the End Times?
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
2020 was a year filled with political division, natural disasters, health crises, and unprecedented challenges to the church. The Bible seems to describe a period of turmoil that directly precedes the return of Christ. Are we living in that time? What does the Bible really describe? How do we respond as Christians? On this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Yancey Arrington about how to understand Revelation and what it means for us today.

Monday Jan 04, 2021
070: The Year In Review and What’s Coming Next
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
2020 is over and 2021 is here! But as we look ahead to the hope of new beginnings and the eventual waning of COVID-19, it’s important to remember where we’ve been on this wild journey. Jon Coffey sits down with Ryan Lehtinen and Rachel Chester to talk about the good, the bad, and the lessons we learned last year, as well as taking a look at some of the Clear Creek Resources content we have to look forward to in 2021.